Here is the situation : If you are using Konvajs, a solution to build a undo-redo feature is to manage the stage state using JSON. But if you have a complex app, and many listeners. No simple solution. The objective is to build a function that you can add to your code to include an…
Month: November 2022
An electronic circuit simulator in javascript
How could we have an electronic circuit editor in TAO platform? Years ago, I explored many solutions for DEPP (French Ministery of Education service in charge of statistics) and I think that this new solution could benefit to many TAO users. H.Lorenzi has created an open source project of this kind ( The idea is…
You remember your multiplication tables ? Also in French ? In German ? In Italian ? Go ahead and try !
This applet is just a basic test to show how speech recognition can be used to create a productive exercise.