A new Youtube Video shows how a workflow based on ChatGPT is possible with WTP. Don’t try with any other platform if you don’t want to loose your time….
Category: Uncategorized
WTP, Wiquid Test Platform is coming…
Hello everybody, The WTP project is simple : let’s go back to basics. The idea is to display a static web site that is a test to a specific target. Look at this video to understand well the project : https://youtu.be/rj0VUx21Q3M This video shows a prototype of a digital assessment platform (WTP) based on Nodejs…
L’école, l’IA et les truands
La situation. Nous y sommes l’école d’aujourd’hui est confrontée à l’intelligence artificielle. Les élèves ont aussitôt compris les avantages qu’ils pouvaient tirer des IA génératives : éviter des lectures laborieuses, obtenir la solution de tous les exercices, faire écrire à leur place des résumés, des rédactions, des dissertations et des traductions. Les devoirs à la maison…
Exploring solution for Scratch PCI
The year 2022 has been very productive with GeoGebra PCI. A PCI is a JavaScript wrapper that can operate with assessment platform for education as “TAO testing” for example. GeoGebra is the most popular application to learn math. Working on this code was a rich experience that gave me some ideas for another project that…
Building a ready made solution for Undo-Redo function for Konva.js
Here is the situation : If you are using Konvajs, a solution to build a undo-redo feature is to manage the stage state using JSON. But if you have a complex app, and many listeners. No simple solution. The objective is to build a function that you can add to your code to include an…
An electronic circuit simulator in javascript
How could we have an electronic circuit editor in TAO platform? Years ago, I explored many solutions for DEPP (French Ministery of Education service in charge of statistics) and I think that this new solution could benefit to many TAO users. H.Lorenzi has created an open source project of this kind (https://github.com/hlorenzi/circuitsim). The idea is…
You remember your multiplication tables ? Also in French ? In German ? In Italian ? Go ahead and try !
This applet is just a basic test to show how speech recognition can be used to create a productive exercise.
The new version of GeoGebra PCI is now available !
It is now possible to download and use the new GeoGebra PCI version 1.7. It fixes two bugs, one on the default scoring option and the second one on the menu display (if you have changed some menu options). This new version has been tested more and seems very stable. If you want to try…
Can the TAO platform be used to assess the quality of pronunciation in a foreign language?
The answer is yes with the new Wiquid PCI : speech… A PCI is a kind of module that can be added to a compatible platform that respects PCI and QTI international standards. It is now current to use on your phone the speech recognition. For example the artificial intelligence engine of Google is quite…
Voice recognition ready !
My new fad: voice recognition, the possibilities are enormous, it opens the paradigm of a new family of interactions. To be convinced, go try my applet of the day, I just put it online, it will make you revise your multiplication tables and your foreign languages at the same time! I am already announcing new…