Hello to WonderTest project followers,
The new version of WonderChoice is now online, as usual go to https://wondertest.org/wonderChoice.
Here are the main modifications.
Thanks a lot to Roberto Ciuffreda (INVALSI) and Charles Philippe (DEPP) for their help.
More info about the Wondertest platform at the bottom of this article.
Updates list
Creation of an “undo” function
- Pressing the “undo” button in the top-toolbar repositions the element on the canvas at the previous position
This simple function is the first step of a more complex function that will memorize 5 or 10 last actions and that will authorize a redo function to navigate through the previous actions. For the moment the undo concerns only the position of the elements.
Limitation of drag&drop to canvas border
- It is not possible anymore to drag an element outside of the canvas
Inline Text Editor for Question, choices and Free-Text
- A new text toolbar helps the user to change the text features in an easier and quicker way .
The tool bar allowed the user to change : color font, bold, underline, italic and font size ! All these modifications are supported by the cloning option to quickly add new choices based on the same options.
- Lot of fonts will be available soon : the google fonts can easily be integrated. For the moment I have only extended the list of the webfont.
- Inline Text Editor : better management of the text-line that was too short in the previous version.
- The “question” can now be selected by the box selector. It will be now possible to use all transformers of the box selector.
Export to QTI
- Export a package of items to QTI format -> in that case, the item is reduced to its text version (all graphic features are lost) and integrated as a classic QTI choice interaction. This is experimental and has the advantage of working in TAO without any PCI installation. If you want to keep all the graphic features, install the WonderChoice PCI.
- The metadata list has been rebuilt and rethought in the perspective of the Wondertest Platform
- In this future platform, the user profile will define many default values that will be automatically reported in metadata : subject, grade/level, test taker age, ISCED… that will reduce a lot the workload.
- The UNESCO Mathematic framework has been integrated as an example module for the mathematical subject, as Thierry Rocher has suggested, the use of a framework is recommended but not mandatory, the user can unlock the metadata and fill domains, subdomains, task definition as he/she needs.
- Two ways to implement metadata to the items : as it was, if you fill the metadata once and don’t change their value, you can create new items using the same set of metadata. But if you prefer you can now fill the metadata at the Item Package level. You will overwrite all the items’ metadata of the package (green button in the bottom of the panel). This is powerful and really quick to add this information. Just click on the Package metadata link to open the panel.
Single choice
- It is now possible to cancel the choice by clicking on a selected choice-> no choice will be chosen.
The help button open documentation in a new tab
- The user work will not be canceled by this action.
All Color-Pickers :
- Better behavior : close once a color is selected (before 2 clicks were necessary)
- Zoom-in is fixed (before transparency problem)
- Cloning items in a package is now possible (don’t forget to modify the clones and avoid duplicates!!!)
Lock free element
- This function is on pause (back in next version)
Item Library integration
- This is experimental : on the bottom toolbar of the package you will see 2 buttons : one is now functional -> add to library. Contact me for more info on that point. The second button “add to test” is still on the todo list : the idea is that the user will have the possibility to publish the whole package immediately in a test and visualize how the assessment will work with a minimum of manipulation. I’ve already developed a test editor that will authorize the user to edit and modify the test build that way.
By Jean-Philippe Rivière – Wiquid
Toulouse – France 01-19-22