The answer is yes with the new Wiquid PCI : speech… A PCI is a kind of module that can be added to a compatible platform that respects PCI and QTI international standards. It is now current to use on your phone the speech recognition. For example the artificial intelligence engine of Google is quite…
Category: Uncategorized
Voice recognition ready !
My new fad: voice recognition, the possibilities are enormous, it opens the paradigm of a new family of interactions. To be convinced, go try my applet of the day, I just put it online, it will make you revise your multiplication tables and your foreign languages at the same time! I am already announcing new…
Evaluer la fluence de la lecture orale des textes : un outil de correction partagée
La démo est maintenant en ligne : Il y a quelques années, j’ai proposé un outil de correction à la DEPP (Direction de l’Evaluation de la Prospectives et de la Performance) qui a été utilisé dans plusieurs enquêtes. Adapté plusieurs fois, cet outil avait comme but de mesurer la fluence de la lecture orale…
Download the brand new Geogebra PCI for TAO platform !
The new Geogebra PCI is now ready to be tested by the users ! It is now in BETA version. As a Geogebra developer, and with the help of the Geogebra Team, we have built a solution that integrates this fantastic tool in TAO Platform, as an item builder applet. This PCI opens many possibilities…
Wiquid, opérateur de la transition numérique pour votre lycée
Installer une plateforme d’évaluation numérique dédiée à votre équipe pédagogique est un projet complexe mais qui offre à vos enseignants la possibilité d’utiliser des outils façonnés à leurs besoins et à ceux des élèves. Vos enseignants seront en mesure de créer leurs tests, stocker leurs questions pour réaliser leur propre banque d’items, organiser des passations…
W2QTI new version released !
W2QTI (Word to QTI) is a tool that converts massively questions written in a Word document (respecting aformat) to the XML standard defined by IMSGlobal for item digital assessment. It is Optimized for TAO testing plaeform The transition to digital assessment entails a substantial amount of work that often proves to be a real obstacle….
Migration from paper – pencil to digital assessment ? How to quickly create QTI items with the free online converter : W2QTI…
If you want to quickly add some QTI items in your digital assessment platform (this is compatible with TAO), and you have essentially single choice questions… you’d better use W2QTI. W2QTI will transform your questions set in a word document in packaged QTI format. Why ? Because your workflow will be more efficient. Just download…
WonderLink the new interaction is coming…
Hello WonderTest followers, the WonderLink interaction is coming, if you are curious you can watch this video that shows a preview. In this video, the links are exclusive : once a dot is connected, it can’t be reconnected to another. When the mouse is over a link, a cross appears. If you click the cross,…
WonderChoice updates 24 February 2022
Hello WonderChoice followers, More updates on these last weeks : But before, I want to thanks the DEPP team to help me on the debug 😀. Bugs fix When the text-Toolbar was on the top toolbar, the active class of a button made some superpositions, it is fixed. The text-Toolbar is always on top For…
Fixing Quill editor 1.3.7 disappearing spaces bug in Firefox
Quill editor is a great tool, I used it for my WonderChoice project, but I had a problem with Firefox : all spaces disappeared as you typed. To fix that, just type in your CSS the code below to overwrite the original Quill CSS : The !important could be optional. Hope it helps.