Quill editor is a great tool, I used it for my WonderChoice project, but I had a problem with Firefox : all spaces disappeared as you typed. To fix that, just type in your CSS the code below to overwrite the original Quill CSS : The !important could be optional. Hope it helps.
Category: Uncategorized
WonderChoice : What about an independent item editor ?
A good way to manage complexity in assessment platform could be the use of independent tools as services, WonderChoice is an example of this approach…
WonderChoice january 2022 updates
Hello to WonderTest project followers, The new version of WonderChoice is now online, as usual go to https://wondertest.org/wonderChoice. Here are the main modifications. Thanks a lot to Roberto Ciuffreda (INVALSI) and Charles Philippe (DEPP) for their help. More info about the Wondertest platform at the bottom of this article. Updates list Creation of an “undo”…
The wonderTest project
Welcome to this blog, I’m presenting here the evolution of the wonderTest project. The first step of this long project is WonderChoice. Try it right now ! WonderChoice purposes WonderChoice application is a prototype for an item generator based on choice interaction. Its purposes are to offer more efficiency to your workflow, more freedom, and…